recognition of learning outcomes

Through the implementation of project “ROBOTICS 4.0 ALL”, we have brought together organizations with rich experience in educational robotics, as well as organizations with experience in Vocational Education and Training (VET).
Our aim under Intellectual Output 4 (IO4) is to develop a methodological roadmap for the recognition of learning outcomes of educational robotics learners, based on an ECVET, EQF and/or ECTS framework, in order to add value to the practices of the project partners and of other European robotics-VET providers in general.

Although this is an ambitious objective, all partners have worked together on identifying a common and shared transnational methodology (methods, tools and criteria) for the assessment of the learning outcomes acquired during and after the participation in an educational robotics curriculum.

More specifically, all partners have shared their organizations’ and/or their countries’ relevant templates, while wide research has been conducted over the European as well as global methodology and standards for assessment and recognition of learning outcomes, with the ultimate goal being to combine all inputs in order to suggest a pathway for integrated approach based on ECVET, EQF and/or ECTS.

This way, all organizations involved in the project, and especially the VET-oriented ones, will have the opportunity to improve their STEM educational capacity and profile by potentially integrating the robotics curriculum into their VET programmes and priorities.

Based on this notion, this Report’s structure begins with the aim to provide a theoretical background and presentation of the methodological guidelines for designing assessments of learning outcomes to be utilized by various stakeholders, based on ECVET, EQF, ECTS and other standards, and continues with the presentation of the seven partners’ collected results of assessment processes and schemes in their respective countries (Norway, Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Croatia, Estonia and Bulgaria).

Subsequently, an external assessment of the developed Report will take place, where each partner will define 1 external to the project expert to provide feedback for improvement (i.e. “fine tuning”). Lastly, project partners will promote the Report to other VET providers, with a specific aim to Robotics educators, as a means to disseminate it and initiate the further development of such a methodology.

You can learn more by downloading the Report on this Link: methodology for the recognition of learning outcomes

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